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Silvertips Say Goodbye to Team Mate

It is with a heavy heart and sadness that we announce the loss of a member of the Silvertips family. Jaydon Sommerfeld passed away on Wednesday June 10, 2015 after succumbing to injuries suffered in a car accident on Tuesday June 9, 2015.

Jaydon was in his rookie season as a member Silvertips. He was from Chestermere, Alberta and played his minor lacrosse in the Calgary Knights Organization.

Jaydon will be remembered by his infectious smile and positive attitude. No matter the game he always had a smile on his face – an indication of his true love of for lacrosse. His hard work and dedication made him a valuable member to Silvertips. He always showed up and played his heart out.

He will truly be missed by the Silvertips and the whole lacrosse community.

"The thoughts and prayers of the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League and the entire Alberta lacrosse community are with the Rockyview Silvertips today after hearing about the tragic car accident death of Jayden Sommerfeld. Jayden was a promising young lacrosse player and a very good person. He will be missed,” said Duane Bratt, RMLL Vice-President.

The Sommerfeld family y.


“To create well-rounded, community oriented lacrosse players who
will act as role models on and off the floor”


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